US number for Whatsapp Gold

You may be creating a Whatsapp gold account with an American number to take advantage of the advantages of the application such as using two Whatsapp numbers at the same time, so, of course, you need a number registered in the United States, but how? Even if you are not a resident of the United States, you can take advantage of this method and create a new account for your Whatsapp gold with an American number. You can deceive your friends by sending messages from this US account without revealing your identity. Not only Whatsapp gold but you can also use this US number to verify your mobile phone number on any website or online social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Create a US number using the 2nd Line application:

There are many apps available on the Google Play Store that provide you free US numbers for calling and messaging. These numbers provided by most of the apps on the Play Store do not work in Whatsapp gold because they have blocked these serial numbers for some privacy issues. But in the end, we managed to find an app called 2nd LINE. The application works well with Whatsapp Gold Plus without any problem. Now, without wasting any more time, let's quickly move on to the explanation in the article and see how to use Whatsapp Gold with a US number.

How to obtain a free US number for the Gold Whatsapp:

 To manage this, you need to follow those instructions:

  • Initially, we download the NDLINE2 app from Google Play Store.
  • After downloading and installing the NDLINE2 application on your phone, we open the application and press "Get a free phone number".
  • After that we click on the Sign UP button, a new page will appear asking you to enter your email and password.
  • You can enter any random username and password or even give your primary email address and click “create account”. You are not required to verify your email address in this step.
  • Now, you have to select the area code for the United States. I will use area code 513 for example and he is from Ohio. You can also specify any of New York, Manhattan, or others, such as: 212 or 347, 646, 718, 917, 929. Then click on Continue.
  • You will now see a list of 5 different US numbers with the area code you chose. You can choose any one of them or wait a minute. These numbers will be updated and new numbers will appear. Then click Continue.
  • You will now go to the control panel where your new US number will be displayed, and you can make calls and receive as well, and you can also send SMS for free. 

Create a gold Whatsapp account with an American number:

Now we come to register on Whatsapp Gold with our US number that we got, with these steps:

  • Open Whatsapp gold app.
  • Enter your new number with country code +1.
  • Click "OK" on the pop-up window.
  • Here comes the main part, Whatsapp will fail to send an SMS to the number and an error message will appear. Now all you need to do is click on the call me button. You will receive a call inside the 2ND LINE app; make sure to open the app.
  • Answer the call and he will give you a verification code.
  • Now, you only need to enter the verification code in Whatsapp gold and verify the ownership of your new account. Here, you have created your account on Whatsapp Gold with your American number from NDLINE2, and all you have to do now just enjoy all the benefits of  Whatsapp Here, you have created your account on Whatsapp Gold with your American number from NDLINE2, and all you have to do now just enjoy all the benefits of Whatsapp Gold.

US number for Whatsapp Gold US number for Whatsapp Gold Reviewed by Km on 6/08/2021 Rating: 5

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